Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2019


Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) is a heterogeneous syndrome that is a form of orthostatic intolerance. When a patient with POTS stands their heart rate rapidly increases. Other symptoms that are caused by POTS are: lightheadedness, dizziness, chest pain, fatigue, heart palpitations, and rapid heart rate. There has been limited research on this syndrome, but there has been some evidence indicating that anxiety can be increased in patients, as well as cognitive impairments such as lower IQ and slower response time as well. Different cognitive tests will be conducted as well as anxiety testing through State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), on patients with POTS and patients without it.


Faculty Adviser: Dr. Amorette Barber

Included in

Biology Commons



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