A Rhetorical Analysis of How Contemporary Pop Songs Raise Awareness of Mental Health and Addiction Issues

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Publication Date

Spring 4-14-2021


My study uses Aristotle's three classical appeals (ethos, pathos, and logos) to examine the use of mental health and addiction awareness in contemporary pop songs; specifically, in the songs "In my Blood" by Shawn Mendes, “1-800-273-8255” by Logic, and "Sober" by Demi Lovato. In my analysis, I discuss the use of these appeals and how they help dive deeper into the meaning of the lyrics in the songs and their effectiveness. This analysis discusses the use of including the artist's personal experience into their lyrics and how it provides both emotion and credibility to the listener. Shawn Mendes explains how difficult his battle with anxiety has been and Logic talks about how his journey of overcoming his battle with suicidal thoughts. Demi Lovato explains in her song how this is not her first battle with addiction or her first time seeking treatment for it. All three of these artists use the platform to discuss important, but sensitive topics in their own creative way, all while raising awareness at the same time.


ENGL 165

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