Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2019


Parkinsons is a neurodegenerative disorder that causes damage to dopaminergic neurons in the brain that are essential for controlling movement. There is no cure for this disease but scientists have found sources of treatments that help control the symptoms like using dopamine agonists which mimic dopamine effects and Carbidopa-levodopa which is converted into dopamine. This study aims to identify the different effects of using Pramipexole and Carbidopa-levodopa on blocking the activity of the mutated gene LRRK2 which is known to result in the loss of dopaminergic neurons in Parkinson. This study could have three potential conclusions where there is a higher rate of success using Pramipexole, Carbidopa-levodopa, or they both have the same effects of treating the symptoms of Parkinson.


Faculty Adviser: Dr. Amorette Barber

Included in

Biology Commons



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