Document Type

Research Paper

Publication Date

Spring 2019


The honey bee population is declining from the onset of a disorder known as Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) which has been associated with climate change, increase use of insecticides, and parasite/viral communication. Much focus has been directed towards the communication between RNA viruses with the honey bee parasite Varroa destructor and their relationship to haemolymph levels in emerging worker bees, but their association with DNA viruses has been neglected. The study proposed is to closely observe whether parasite burden in combination with reduced haemolymph levels could increase viral replication of DNA virus AmFV in emerging honey worker bees. Since, haemolymph houses the cells and proteins needed for proper immune response, the predicted outcome is that a significant increase of viral replication will be present in the emerging workers despite the virus mechanisms for replication are DNA based instead of RNA based.


Faculty Adviser: Dr. Amorette Barber

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Included in

Biology Commons



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