Event Title
Assessing the Effects of Voluntary Mental Imagery Skills on Memory and Other Cognitive Functions
Project Category
Independent Research
Presentation Type
Aphantasia is a new name for an old concept: people that are unable to form clear mental images voluntarily. In this study, we attempted to verify and support some of the claims made in the relatively few published studies available on the topic. We were successful in doing so, as well as finding new significant correlations with other types of memory not previously studied.
PowerPoint Poster
Muse_Stevens_final_poster (1).pdf (621 kB)
PDF Poster
Assessing the Effects of Voluntary Mental Imagery Skills on Memory and Other Cognitive Functions
Aphantasia is a new name for an old concept: people that are unable to form clear mental images voluntarily. In this study, we attempted to verify and support some of the claims made in the relatively few published studies available on the topic. We were successful in doing so, as well as finding new significant correlations with other types of memory not previously studied.