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Cormier Honors College for Citizen Scholars

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The College of Business and Economics (CBE) at Longwood University is looking to rebrand itself by developing new marketing campaigns for its undergraduate and MBA programs. Before doing so, it was first essential that thorough research was conducted to, A. Discover what kinds of marketing tactics had been used by Longwood University in the past and, B. Find out what other colleges and universities have been doing in recent years to promote their business programs.

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Marketing Commons


MARK 480 Learning from Longwood's Past and its Competitors to Rebrand the College of Business and Economics

The College of Business and Economics (CBE) at Longwood University is looking to rebrand itself by developing new marketing campaigns for its undergraduate and MBA programs. Before doing so, it was first essential that thorough research was conducted to, A. Discover what kinds of marketing tactics had been used by Longwood University in the past and, B. Find out what other colleges and universities have been doing in recent years to promote their business programs.