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Publication Date

Fall 11-18-2020


The title of our research-based inquiry is Incidental Teaching and Its Impact on Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder. The purpose and reason for doing this inquiry is to determine if incidental teaching is an applicable evidence-based program for teaching children with Autism Spectrum Disorder appropriate communication skills and social interactions. The main question driving our inquiry is if “incidental teaching is an effective program for helping students with Autism Spectrum Disorder communicate and further develop their language abilities?”. Our hypothesis/assumption regarding this question is that if educators and interventionists use incidental teaching to teach children with Autism Spectrum Disorder appropriate communication skills/habits then the child will progress and have enhanced communication abilities. Having our findings, in mind we believe and recommend that incidental teaching be implemented in all children with Autism Spectrum Disorders intervention plan. We feel this way because we found that despite it being under-researched that there is some merit to it being an effective evidence-based program when it comes to teaching appropriate social and communications skills to individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder.


SPED 475

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