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Publication Date

Fall 11-15-2021


Due to Covid-19, millions of people have been forced to quarantine at home with their family for the majority of 2020. This can have negative impacts on a child's mental health. In some cases the parents are fighting a lot, maybe they have a substance abuse problem, and may be struggling financially because of the many jobs knocked out by Covid in 2020. Therefore in many cases, a child being forced to stay at home with their family can be a bad thing. Our source states that women and children are at a higher risk for abuse during quarantine (World Health Organization, 2020). We hypothesize that children's social and emotional skills will be negatively impacted. This could be caused by just isolation of the child, or by parents not providing the child with necessities like food and nurture. Children are the future of our world. Our society needs to give them adequate attention and service in order for them to succeed in the future.


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