Document Type


Publication Date

Fall 11-10-2021


This research is aimed to answer the question: does smoking cessation counseling improve success rates in adult smokers who desire to quit compared to pharmacologic therapy for cessation and no therapy or counseling? We looked at health-related literature to determine which method of smoking cessation had the highest success rates. In our research we expected to find that success rates were greatest when individuals had a combination of pharmacotherapy in conjunction with counseling. A report of the Surgeon General compiled results of studies reporting the efficacy of numerous cessation therapies and their success. Our research of these and other reports supported our expectation. Medication and counseling both have roles in smoking cessation and have led to higher success rates in smoking individuals. We concluded that patients who wish to quit smoking should try counseling first and, if needed, use pharmacotherapy to aid in smoking cessation as the combination of both therapies has the highest success rate.


NURS 360

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Nursing Commons



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