Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Arts
First Advisor
Chapman Hood Frazier, Ph.D.
Second Advisor
Deborah Carrington, Ph.D.
Third Advisor
Rhonda Brock-Servais, Ph.D.
This action research project explores the value of flash fiction in the secondary classroom. Flash fiction draws heavily on oral traditions such as the joke, and the fable, to present complete stories in fewer than 1500 words. The form has flourished in recent years, particularly on the internet, where literary journals such as The Vestal Review, SmokeLong Quarterly, and Toasted Cheese, publish engaging, and provocative stories. By examining how students react to the unique characteristics of flash fiction, teachers can make the most this valuable and abundant resource.
This article describes how students at a public secondary charter school responded to a unit on flash fiction. Data from writing assignments and online discussions during the unit show that the unit on flash fiction helped students become more engaged readers and more confident writers. An analysis of the flash fiction that students chose to study suggests that flash fiction may enable teachers to differentiate lessons more precisely based on gender, interest, and ability. Specifically, flash fiction may be particularly appealing to male students who do not consider reading a masculine activity. Methods for teaching flash fiction in conjunction with online threaded discussion forums are also discussed as a method of integrating the study of literature with new literacy skills required in online environment.
Recommended Citation
Ashby, Wayne R., "WHY SIZE MATTERS: FLASH FICTION IN HIGH SCHOOL ENGLISH" (2007). Theses & Honors Papers. 67.
You can find a bound copy in Greenwood Library. It can be foundhere.