
classroom instruction


Become an expert Google searcher; BYOD for hands-on searching. Learn to build complex Boolean queries, to search for webpage titles, to limit results to a top level domain like .edu, to limit results to one website like ERIC. You can teach your students to become expert Google users like you.


All Google users who want to learn how to search better.


Intermediate, Middle/ Jr. High, High School


Ruffner, Room 350

Start Date

7-20-2017 10:45 AM

End Date

7-20-2017 11:45 AM

Jul 20th, 10:45 AM Jul 20th, 11:45 AM

Advanced Web Searching for SLI Educators

Ruffner, Room 350

Become an expert Google searcher; BYOD for hands-on searching. Learn to build complex Boolean queries, to search for webpage titles, to limit results to a top level domain like .edu, to limit results to one website like ERIC. You can teach your students to become expert Google users like you.