Proposal Title
Teach Reading So It Makes Sense!
Are you teaching reading but your students still aren't "getting it"? The brain is a pattern finder and needs to fit the pieces of reading together to work. Come to this session and learn about using the whole-part-whole method of instruction.
K-8 Classroom Teachers, Intervention Specialists
Primary, Intermediate, Middle/ Jr. High
Ruffner, Room 254
Start Date
7-21-2017 2:45 PM
End Date
7-21-2017 3:45 PM
Teach Reading So It Makes Sense!
Ruffner, Room 254
Are you teaching reading but your students still aren't "getting it"? The brain is a pattern finder and needs to fit the pieces of reading together to work. Come to this session and learn about using the whole-part-whole method of instruction.
Additional Information
I am only coming to the SLI on Friday, so my session(s) needs to be on July 21.