
classroom instruction


Do you have a diverse group of learners? Are you struggling to find reading material to fit their needs? Do you wish there was a "one stop shop" for differentiated reading material? Look no further! Leveled Literacy is here to help!

Event Website


Primary, Intermediate, Middle/ Jr. High, High School

Additional Information

Dr. Gretchen Braun was a participant in my session at the 2015 Virginia State Reading Association Conference.


Ruffner 256

Start Date

7-22-2016 2:45 PM

End Date

7-22-2016 3:45 PM

Jul 22nd, 2:45 PM Jul 22nd, 3:45 PM

Exploring the Depths of Leveled Literacy

Ruffner 256

Do you have a diverse group of learners? Are you struggling to find reading material to fit their needs? Do you wish there was a "one stop shop" for differentiated reading material? Look no further! Leveled Literacy is here to help!


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