Betty Jane Turner '71
Longwood University
Betty Jane Diggs Turner Class of 1971 talks about feathering the Rotunda, and a trip to the State Capital with Pat Perry and Dr. Willett.
Jamie Krogh '07 & Nicole Adams '09
Longwood University
Jamie Saunders Krogh graduated from Longwood In 2007, she earned a BA in History with a concentration in Public History. She discusses the building she lived in her strong friendships, and the professors and classes she enjoyed most., as well as organizations she was in SGA, RHA and Color Guard. Nicole Rudd graduated Longwood in 2009 with a BA in English and a minor in History. Nicole talks about her dorm in South Tabb, and SLATE
Lavater Walker '89, Jeris Johnson '88, Tracy Caldwell '88 & Mairlyn Royal '88
Longwood University
Lavater, Jeris and Tracy begin by introducing themselves and sharing some of their favorite classes, and activities they participated in. Marilyn Royal Joins the conversation later, and the friends discuss their strong friendship, studying and the fun times they had a Longwood.
Betty Wingfield '49, Lynn Wingfield '79 & Susan Wingfield '80
Longwood University
Betty Romeo Wingfield graduated Longwood in 1949, she was a senior the year that White Hall burned down and she talks about knocking on students doors to evacuate them, and helping to move transcripts and other vital records out of the Rotunda in case it caught on fire. Betty was a physical education major, and was a member of the Athletic Association earning her blue blazer, and participated on a number of athletics teams.
Her daughters Lynn and Susan both also attended Longwood. Lynn enrolled in 1974 and after changing majors from Mathematics to Business Administration she graduated in 1979. She was a member of Alpha Phi Fraternity, and talks about the strong friendships she formed at Longwood. Susan attended for two years earning prerequisites to attend UVA's nursing program which she graduated from in 1980. She was also a member of Alpha Phi Fraternity.
Carol Skelley Osborn, 1969
Longwood University
Carol Skelley Osborn was an English Major at Longwood college who graduated in 1969. She talks about the wonderful teachers she had including Dr. Rosemary Sprague and Dr. Souder. She also discusses the synchronized swimming.
Carolyn Crute McLemore, 1969 and John McLemore
Longwood University
Lancer Voices video with Carolyn and John McLemore. They met at a Baptist Student Union event held at Longwood in December 1968. Carolyn was a Elementary Education Major and taught in Tennessee for over 20 years. They talk about how they met and their family together. John also tells about Carolyn's exploits of riding Jonnie on the Pony one night on a dare.
Deidre Donnelly, Nancy Pavona, and Susan Forthuber, 1979
Longwood University
Lancer Voices interview with Deidre Donnelly, Nancy Moore Pavona, and Susan Puryear Forthuber all graduated from the class of 1979. Diedre and Nancy were both Therapeutic Recreation majors, while Susan was an Elementary Education Major. They all met in Alpha Gamma Delta sorority. Deidre also played tennis, was on legislative board, helped organize Oktoberfest and was a member of Chi. Nancy was also a member of Delta Psi Kappa. They also discuss the transition of Longwood to co-education.
Kathryn Idelson Noftzger, 1982
Longwood University
Kathryn Idelson Noftzger graduated from Longwood in 1982. She was recruited to participate in gymnastics by Dr. Ruth Budd and remembers fondly her relationship with her and her gymnastics teammates. She was Longwood's first All-American athlete and remembers attending gymnastics finals many time wit her teammates. She was also a member of Alpha Gamma Delta sorority, she recounts the lifelong friendships she's kept to this day.
Nancy Anderson Haga, Retired Faculty
Longwood University
Nancy Anderson Haga was a faculty member at Longwood College from 1967 to 2000. Before becoming an official member of the faculty she helped organize Longwood's Forensic, Debate and Speech Teams. She later joined the faculty of Speech and Theater and taught in a classroom in the basement of Jarman. She talks about her fond memories of her students and activities and expectations she had for them. She also briefly discusses her recollections of Longwood going coeducational in the early 1970s, as well as class trips to the Czech Republic and other Longwood stories.
Rena Koesler, Retired Faculty
Longwood University
Lancer Voices interview with Dr. Rena Koesler, faculty from 1986 to 2018. Dr. Koesler was a professor for Outdoor Education. She was instrumental in the creation of Longwood's ropes course. She also worked with students in alternate locations, like Longwood's Cabin.
Zachary Glasscock, 2018
Longwood University
Lancer Voices interview with Zachary Glasscock, Class of 2018. Zachary was a Theater Major, who was in Longwood Company of Dancers, Phi Mu Delta, High Street Harmony as well as a Resident Assistant.
Cheryl Meeks Heinzmen, 1994
Longwood University
Cheryl Meeks Hinzman, Class of 1994. Heinzmen was a member of tri Sigma sorority. Hinzman was a Longwood Ambassador, and a Resident Assistant in Stubbs and Arc Resident Halls.
Diane Bosher Harris, 1968 and Sherry Gatewood Lemay, 1993
Longwood University
Lancer Voices interview with Diane Bosher Harris and Sherry Gatewood Lemay. Diane and Sherry are a mother daughter par of Longwood graduates. Harris was in the class of 1968 and Lemay was in the class of 1993. Harris was an Education Major. Lemay was an English Major. They discuss how much the enjoyed their Longwood education and how much things have changed on campus.
Ethan Burgess, 2018
Longwood University
Lancer Voices interview with Ethan Burgess, Class of 2018. Ethan was a History Major, with a minor in English and Creative Writing. He was a member of Phi Mu Delta and Phi Alpha Theta, and the National History Honors Society.
Jaylin Mason, 2018 and Kevin Napier, 2018
Longwood University
Jaylin Mason and Kevin Napier both graduated from the class of 2018. Mason was a Criminal Justice Major. Kevin was a Kinesiology Major. They are both in the Theta Chi fraternity.
Marian Mowbray Seigle, 1968
Longwood University
Marian Mowbray Seigle, class of 1968. She was honored with the 50 year alumni pin during this alumni weekend. Seigle was an Elementary Major. She was very involved with Theatre and the Drama Department, Sand participated in three plays.
Michael James Campion, 2018
Longwood University
Michael James Campion was a Criminal Justice Major, from the class of 2018. He was involved with Phi Mu Delta, and held multiple leadership positions in the organization, serving as President and Vice president.
Sarah Kensy, 2018 and John Brumfield, 2018
Longwood University
Sarah Kensy and John Brumfield are both from the class of 2018. Kensy is an alumni of Alpha Delta Pi. Brumfield held positions as a Peer Mentor and was a Peer Mentor Coordinator. Brumfield also interned with the Dean of Students in the President Research Program and was a member of both secret societies, Chi and Princeps.
Shannon McGuire, Becky Partin and Jennifer Webb, 1993
Longwood University
Shannon Green McGuire, Becky Ruth Partin, and Jennifer Mishoe Webb, Class of 1993. McGuire was a Business Major, Partin was a Biology Major, and Webb was a Political Science and History Major. Partin was a Longwood Ambassador, and they were all on the Rugby Team
Ann Johnson Knight, 1979
Longwood University
Lancer Voices interview with (Virginia) Ann Johnson Knight. She relays a story about "Gang-Green" and "Sally Red and White" class mascots a the time, which could be stolen by rival classes. Ann was a Education major with a minor in Math.