Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Liberal Studies

First Advisor

Peggy L. Tarpley, Ph.D.

Second Advisor

Ruth L. Meese, Ph.D.

Third Advisor

Stephen C. Keith, Ed.D


The purpose of this research was to investigate teachers' compliance with the portion of the IDEA '97 amendments that mandates participation in the IEP process by students 14 and older, or younger than transition is discussed. Researcher-developed surveys were sent to middle and high school special education throughout Virginia. The results of these surveys reflect teachers' compliance with this component of the IDEA Amendments of 1997. Nearly all of the teachers surveyed reported that at least some of their students were present at their most recent IEP meeting and though less than half of those students had any preparation for the meeting, more than half of the students present in their IEP meeting were active participants. Teachers also reported a lack of training regarding student involvement in IEP meetings and preparation. Conclusions reflect that teacher training regarding the benefits of including students in the IEP development and meetings as well as teaching strategies to accomplish this would be beneficial.



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