Presenter Information

Nancy K. TerrellFollow

Proposal Title

Explore the Past, Journey to the Present and Create the Future


classroom instruction


Bring your cell phone or iPad along on an international journey as we explore and expose you to Fiction and Non-Fiction Text, QR codes, Edmodo and LEGOs. This session will demonstrate how to integrate technology and a variety of literature to enhance student engagement in the classroom.


3-8 grade classroom teachers, Teacher-Librarians


Intermediate, Middle/ Jr. High

Additional Information

Participants will have the opportunity to engage in hands on learning as they compare and contrast literature through the use of technology.

Explore the Past (Terrell.Chambers).pdf (65418 kB)
Presentation (Explore the Past, Create the Future)

Nonfiction Text Features Preview of the Text.pdf (33 kB)
Non Fiction Text Features

Overcoming Adversity Suggested Book Titles.pdf (357 kB)
Book List of Suggested Text

TextFeaturesCrossword (1).pdf (67 kB)
Crossword Puzzle (Text Features)

TT Graphic Organizer1.pdf (46 kB)
Graphic Organizer (front page)

TT Graphic Organizer2.pdf (79 kB)
Graphic Organizer (back page)

TT Lesson Plan nterrell.pdf (160 kB)
Lesson Plan/Exit Ticket/Rubric


Ruffner 108

Start Date

7-22-2016 2:45 PM

End Date

7-22-2016 3:45 PM

This document is currently not available here.

Jul 22nd, 2:45 PM Jul 22nd, 3:45 PM

Explore the Past, Journey to the Present and Create the Future

Ruffner 108

Bring your cell phone or iPad along on an international journey as we explore and expose you to Fiction and Non-Fiction Text, QR codes, Edmodo and LEGOs. This session will demonstrate how to integrate technology and a variety of literature to enhance student engagement in the classroom.