Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts


Liberal Studies

First Advisor

Rosemary Sprague, Ph.D.

Second Advisor

Michael Lund, Ph.D.

Third Advisor

Jerry E. Brown, Ph.D.


The purport, therefore, of this thesis will be to discover some of the general characteristics of a mystical experience as accepted by various students of mysticism and to discern whether or not these characteristics are to be found in In Memoriam. Other poems by the Poet Laureate will be used to gain insight into the development of the author's attitude toward mysticism, as well as any influential ideas of such associates as Arthur Henry Hallam, or other contemporary writers, or historical movements. Throughout, there will be an attempt to refute, compromise, or concur with any critical conjectures made regarding Tennyson's attitude toward mysticism.



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