Understanding the factors that influence student satisfaction with the undergraduate business major

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A survey was administered to undergraduate business students to gain insight into 34 factors influencing satisfaction, divided into curriculum matters, interaction between faculty and students, and activities beyond coursework. Students expressed a desire for experienced faculty, degree customization, and career paths through internships, with timely feedback for emails and assignments. Seniors showed slightly stronger preferences for online courses and refining computer skills. Men showed less desire for online courses than women; however, women showed a higher interest level in exposure to alumni, career planning tools, and involvement with organizations. The findings provide information that might be useful in creating strategies to help enhance both higher enrollment and retention.

Publication Title

Journal of Education for Business



Original Citation

Marks, M. B., Haug, J. C., Huckabee, W. A. (2016). Understanding the Factors that Influence Student Satisfaction with the Undergraduate Business Major. Journal of Education for Business, 91(5), 280-288. www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?journalCode=vjeb20
