Proposal Title

Collaborative Learning with Paired Passages


classroom instruction


High interest paired passages hook learners and facilitate learning! Use paired passages to develop and practice comprehension, grammar, and literary analysis skills. This session features strategies to connect, engage, practice, and extend ELA skills using paired fiction and non-fiction. Links to complete lesson plans are included.


Middle School


Middle/ Jr. High

Additional Information

Link to a several paired passage lesson sets. Password: pairedpassages


Ruffner 250

Start Date

7-23-2015 2:45 PM

End Date

7-23-2015 3:45 PM

This document is currently not available here.

Jul 23rd, 2:45 PM Jul 23rd, 3:45 PM

Collaborative Learning with Paired Passages

Ruffner 250

High interest paired passages hook learners and facilitate learning! Use paired passages to develop and practice comprehension, grammar, and literary analysis skills. This session features strategies to connect, engage, practice, and extend ELA skills using paired fiction and non-fiction. Links to complete lesson plans are included.