Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Liberal Studies

First Advisor

Patricia R. Whitfield, Ph.D.

Second Advisor

Ruth L. Meese, Ph.D.

Third Advisor

Stephen C. Keith, Ed.D


Ninety-three (48%) faculty members responded to the questionnaire concerning attitude, knowledge, and willingness to provide accommodations to students with learning disabilities. The variables included were gender, rank, professional position, interaction with students known to have a learning disability, and total years teaching at the college level. The results were analyzed by calculating percentages for each item in the questionnaire. The results indicated that the faculty's knowledge of students with learning disabilities was the faculty are more willing to provide classroom accommodations than out-of-class accommodations.low; however, the faculty maintained a positive attitude. In addition the faculty are more willing to provide classroom accommodations than out-of-class accommodations.



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