Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Reading, Literacy, & Learning

First Advisor

Peggy L. Tarpley, Ph.D.

Second Advisor

Christopher D. Jones, M.S.

Third Advisor

Stephen C. Keith, ED.D


Reading is a fundamental skill that is used on a daily basis as we are bombarded with print. It is also the basis for the majority of formal education. When someone lacks the skills and strategies needed to read, reading becomes a frustrating experience. The key to overcoming deficits in reading is prevention utilizing research-based methodology. This widely debated topic has lead to the recognition of the necessity of the infusing of phonics into the instruction. In this study, a one-on-one, cross age peer tutoring program using systematic, explicit phonics instruction, Teach your child to read in 100 easy lessons, was employed in preventing this failure as demonstrated through phonological processing and overall reading achievement gains. The study results indicate that the students had significant gains in oral reading, sight word identification, blending of words and phonological awareness.



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