Date of Award


Degree Type

Honors Paper



First Advisor

David Coles, Ph.D.

Second Advisor

Larissa Smith Fergeson, Ph.D.

Third Advisor

Deborah Welch, Ph.D.


This thesis is divided into two parts. The first, "Examining Virginia's Historic House Museums," is an examination of historic house museums in the United States, and Virginia in particular. This section discusses the role of historic house museums as educational tools, their history in the United States, and the crisis they currently face. The second part is focused on Mulberry Hill, which is owned by the Staunton River Battlefield State Park in Charlotte County, Virginia. The house is currently not open to the public, but there are plans for preservation and interpretation that would make this a possibility. This section first examines the history of Mulberry Hill, its original owner Judge Paul Carrington, and his descendents.



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